Ancient Greece Free Lesson Plans - Alexander the Great Illustration

Ancient Greece Free Lesson Plans - Alexander the Great

For Teachers

Lesson Idea: Alexander the Great and Johnny Appleseed:  Close your lesson plan on Alexander the Great with a question: What did Alexander do that was so great? He conquered a whole bunch of people, and a few years later, they were all independent again. I had a great teacher when I was in school who told us to think of Alexander the Great as if he was Johnny Appleseed. We knew the story of Johnny Appleseed and how he planted apple seeds all over the place. We understood that people have created a great many recipes using apples. We brainstormed ways in class to use apples. We ate some apple cookies that our teacher had brought to class. As our teacher told us, Alexander the Great did not plant apple seeds - he planted Greek knowledge and ideas. He spread that knowledge over a very large area, thus helping to insure its survival and growth. Why do we care? Because Greek knowledge and ideas still affect our lives today. (Even today, when I think of Alexander the Great, I think of those apple cookies, and how in part, thanks to Alexander, that so many good Greek things did not get lost in the past.)

Then, as she did, brainstorm Gifts from the Greeks - trial by jury, advances in medicine and science and math and astronomy, the Olympics, the theatre, comedy, tragedy, the wheelbarrow, architectural wonders like the ancient Greek columns, incredible myths, and tales of legends, heroes, and fables. It's great review and unit close.

After Alexander died, for the next 200 years, things were relatively peaceful. Then the Romans came.

Transition: Open the next unit, the study of ancient Rome by quickly comparing Rome and Greece by saying something like:  The ancient Romans were very different from the ancient Greeks. The ancient Romans were down-to-earth realists, not idealists. You can see this in their statues. The Greeks made statues of perfect people. The Romans created real life statues. A statue of one of the Roman emperors is a good example. His nose is huge! The ancient Greeks would never have done that. But Rome was not built in a day. 2,500 years ago, Rome was just starting on their path to  greatness.

And there you go. An easy transition from the 6th grade study of ancient Greece to the 6th grade study of ancient Rome. All it took was some apple cookies.

Alexander the Great, lesson plan

Alexander the Great, 6th grade social studies lesson plan : Essential question, Who conquered the Greek city-states?

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