Ancient Greece Free Lesson PLans and Activities - Ancient Greek Wars, Trojan, Persian, Peloponnesian Illustration

Ancient Greece Free Lesson Plans - Ancient Greek Wars

For Teachers

The Ancient Greek Navy, handout

The Hoplites were soldiers, handout, lesson idea

The Trojan War - Myth or Reality?

The Trojan Horse - lesson plans, wars

The Trojan War for Kids (reading and games)

See Also: The Odyssey

The Persian Wars

Zerk the Jerk

All three Persian wars - lesson plans and handouts (Core Knowledge)

The Persian War for Kids (reading and games)

The Peloponnesian War

Lesson Idea: Summit Meeting: Attempt to solve the problems between Athens and Sparta before war broke out. Start with the invitation. Who should invite whom?

Classroom Discussion: Do you think Athens believed they would be defeated? Why or why not?

The Peloponnesian War Propaganda, lesson plan

The Peloponnesian War for Kids (reading)

See Also

Units & Overviews for Ancient Greece

Free Presentations

Greek Games - Free, Online, Interactive

Ancient Greece for Kids

Lesson Plans for Ancient Greece