Hellenistic Greece for Kids and Teachers Illustration

Hellenistic Greece for Kids

"The Macedonia empire included present-day Greece, Bulgaria, Egypt, the Phoenician lands and many other basin regions of the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. The major centers of the Mediterranean at the time became part of Alexander's empire as a result. His empire quickly disintegrated, and the Middle East, Egypt, and Greece were soon again independent. Alexander's conquests spread Greek knowledge and ideas throughout the region." Athens University, Athens, Greece

The Hellenistic Period: The period after Alexander's death is called by historians "The Hellenistic Period". Hellenistic means imitating the Greeks. This was a very short period in history. It only lasted about 200 years, from 336 BC to 146 BC, which is the time period that begins with Alexander's death and ends when the Romans came to town and began conquering the people around the Mediterranean.

The Hellenistic Period is a cultural period. Hellenistic Culture is the blending of Greek, Persian, Indian, and Egyptian elements. The center of Hellenistic Culture was Alexandria in Egypt, a city Alexander had built. The Greeks did not rule Egypt. Rather, some Greeks came to Alexandria to learn and share knowledge.

In Hellenistic Greece, the Colossus was built. Archimedes, Euclid and other Greek scientists and mathematicians made incredible contributions to math and science.

Quizlet on Hellenistic culture: The blending or melting pot of cultures in the Mediterranean

The Influence of the Ancient Mediterranean Civilization on the Development of Human Cultures (from Athens University, Athens, Greece: Annals of the MBC - vol. 5 - n' 1 - March 1992)

Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Greece (ppt)

The Hellenistic Age of Science